luv my life and living
You Are Valentine's Day |
You are a true romantic who places the ultimate importance on love. You are warm hearted, and you find it easy to care for people. Love is what drives you - and you have a love to give. You enjoy making someone's day. You're full of surprises. What makes you celebrate: Being with the person you love on a special day At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The sentimental one On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: See it as romantic and special |
- 回「母校」進行六星期的study leave。望見久違了的無敵海景,回憶流連電腦室、圖書館、canteen的日子......一段段「廿字頭」的點滴在腦內浮現。(在寫抒情文麼!?)
- 同事以為六星期的study leave「好爽」,實情是:
- 課程最大的得著,是遇到兩個inspiring的導師,都是樂觀、熱愛生命的Aussie,大大提升我遊歷澳大利亞的興致,去感受那兒的人事物。
- 三個星期多內,學到的東西不多,反而令自己滿腦子「前/錢途」點子 ─ 我只想知道自己可以「去到幾盡」。
- 鄙人近日「恨生小孩指數」突然狂升,創五年來新高。
- 參加一個婚禮的後感:
- 給(所謂疑似)「慾照」女星的話 ─「不要為討好人,做一些令自己後悔的事」。
- 拍下一刻風/下流,你情我願,沒有甚麼蝕底不蝕底,然而「保存」功夫如斯差,惹得蘇州屎讓自己吃,這叫活該。