









最驚喜的,是尹約基Henry Wanyoike,就是04年和今年參加香港馬拉松的失明跑手)和他的導航拍檔來到訪。他倆很努力的用英文和我們溝通,聽著他們互相扶持的故事。Talk後很想跟他們拍合啊!可是云云人中就是不好意思去趁虛。



I prefer this one actually....

You Are Valentine's Day

You are a true romantic who places the ultimate importance on love.

You are warm hearted, and you find it easy to care for people.

Love is what drives you - and you have a love to give.

You enjoy making someone's day. You're full of surprises.

What makes you celebrate: Being with the person you love on a special day

At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The sentimental one

On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: See it as romantic and special






第一次接觸Amy Winehouse的歌,是去年「被困」在髮廊五小時、被逼聽重播n次她的"Back to Black"大碟,卻不自覺愛上了她的聲音。整張碟最搶耳的,就是這首"You Know I'm No Good"。

來自英格蘭的愛美,樣子不美(被狠批「不男不女」),被冠名「毒后」 (cocaine煙酒不離手,也進出rehab(戒毒/酒所)好幾次) ,更有自殘傾向。而她那把沒修飾、粗糙、蒼涼的聲音,及從YouTube中看她在表演台上那份老練和感染力,難以相信她只有二十四歲。

Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard
Your rolled up sleeves and your skull t-shirt
You say what did you do with him today?
And sniff me out like I was Tanqueray

Cause you're my fella, my guy
Hand me your Stella and fly
By the time I'm out the door
You tear me down like Roger Moore

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told ya, I was troubled
You know that I'm no good

Upstairs in bed, with my ex boy
He's in the place, but I can't get joy
Thinking of you in the final throws
This is when my buzzer goes

Run out to meet your chicks and bitter
You say when we're married cause you're not bitter
There'll be none of him no more
I cried for you on the kitchen floor

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told ya, I was troubledYou know that I'm no good

Sweet reunion, Jamaica and Spain
We're like how we were again
I'm in the tub you're on the seat
Lick your lips as I soak my feet

Then you notice lickle carpet burn
My stomach drops and my guts churn
You shrug and it's the worst
To truly stuck the knife in first

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told ya, I was troubled
You know that I'm no good

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told ya, I was troubled
You know that I'm no good

在"Late Night Show with David Letterman"(就是ATV晚晚播的「大衛牙擦騷」)作US TV debut,唱幽自己一默的《Rehab》,也是精采非常。




- 回「母校」進行六星期的study leave。望見久違了的無敵海景,回憶流連電腦室、圖書館、canteen的日子......一段段「廿字頭」的點滴在腦內浮現。(在寫抒情文麼!?)

- 同事以為六星期的study leave「好爽」,實情是:

  • 為免影響其他同事,三星期來還是要來來回回辦公室完成好些工作。
  • 農曆年假期竟比上班時的短一星期(??!!)
  • 2份essays + 2個presentations......六星期課程的功課竟比一個學期多,無奈(-_-")

- 課程最大的得著,是遇到兩個inspiring的導師,都是樂觀、熱愛生命的Aussie,大大提升我遊歷澳大利亞的興致,去感受那兒的人事物。

- 三個星期多內,學到的東西不多,反而令自己滿腦子「前/錢途」點子 ─ 我只想知道自己可以「去到幾盡」。

- 鄙人近日「恨生小孩指數」突然狂升,創五年來新高。

- 參加一個婚禮的後感:

  • 白色禮服多令新郎吃力不討好,尤其是個子小的。
  • 令父母在有生之年看到自己出嫁,也是要盡的孝心。

- 給(所謂疑似)「慾照」女星的話 ─「不要為討好人,做一些令自己後悔的事」。

- 拍下一刻風/下流,你情我願,沒有甚麼蝕底不蝕底,然而「保存」功夫如斯差,惹得蘇州屎讓自己吃,這叫活該。